Neighbors working together for a better Fremont County
Fremont County, WY Recreation Board
The Fremont County Recreation Board is a volunteer team of county residents appointed and funded by the County Commission and responsible for two primary tasks:
1) Managing an annual grant program intended to secure and expand recreational opportunities for county residents.
2) Managing three properties on behalf of county government: Fremont County Youth Camp, Green Mountain Campground, and The Heritage Trail.

Your Fremont County Recreation Board
Board members are volunteers appointed to a three year term. County regulations stipulate that the board be comprised of 3 members from Riverton, 3 from Lander, and 3 At-Large members. Our monthly meetings take place at different locations across the county. If you have questions or comments, please contact your local representative.

Bobby Hague, Board President, Riverton
Kristy Klein, Riverton
Robert Scheidemantel, Riverton
Kim Collins, Executive Secretary
Walt Geis, Shoshone
Andrea Dockery, Jeffrey City
Margaret Wells, Dubois

Ron Cunningham, Lander
Don Reynolds, Lander
Josh McNary, Lander
Jennifer McCarty, County Commission Liason